RED Circle Moments! #1


My mind is tired! 

Lord, have you wired our brains so that when life gets overwhelming we were designed to shut down and depend on you? The “Flight or Fight” syndrome is missing a component; prayer. When faced with stresses that are far too complicated for me to figure out, I internally spaz which shows up in distressing manifestations: chest pains, brain fog, emotional instability, anger, insomnia, etc.  During these times I have redoubled my efforts to THINK through what’s going on and wrong in my life and guess what? Things get worse! To shut down and do nothing doesn’t szebraeem to be the answer but eventually, as we get more and more stressed, that’s exactly what happens. The part of our bran that influences decision making goes on vacation and we’re left with the autonomic portion of our brain that reacts to the immediate stimuli that impact survival. (Eating, sleeping, etc. and even that is not functioning at a high level.) Hence, insomnia and consuming multiple bags of super-sized chips.

So what do we do?

Try this, purposely do nothing for the next 24 hours… “Huh! How do I do that?!  I’ve got to go work! I’ve got these kids….”    Allow me to finish.  Do nothing without acknowledging God before you do it. It takes only a small amount of time to pause before answering the phone, giving an answer or making a decision, to briefly look up and speak this simple prayer: “Father thank you for directing my steps right now.”  Or if that’s too much, just call his name: Jesus, Yahweh, Adonai, Jehovah, Father, Lord; He will respond to the heart of your call.

Life can be hard at times and we need help. Don’t struggle alone. You weren’t meant to be a Superman or woman in times of stress.  You were designed to lean on your Creator and draw strength from Him.

Are you willing to try it today? It beats whatever you’ve been doing so far! (Especially if it hasn’t been working!)

Allow your brain to rest and let God do the heavy lifting today.

Woo-Saa!”  Take your prescription Lamentations 3:21-26

RED Circle Moments by Edwina Frazier © 2015

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